Basic First Aid
The kit we all have… but better. Waterproof Tegaderm brand bandages, precision tweezers, quality contents… not just endless rolled gauze.
Beyond The Basics
Comfort add-ons to help you thrive, not just survive. At-home medical supplies to help care for day to day injuries as well as provide after-care for returning and recovering from outdoor adventures.
American Red Cross 98% oxygen rapid response canisters as well as Boost Oxygen supplemental oxygen for all-natural respiratory support.
SAM Medical splints for fingers, arms, legs and beyond. Excellent for lightweight and easy to use stabilization in the field.
Bleeding Control
ChitoSAM bleeding control gauze and SAM XT tourniquets for severe injuries. Ideally you never need to use these… but if you do, it is way better to have than be without.
Training & Education
First Aid, CPR/ AED and wilderness first aid education. BLS and wilderness medicine education for the healthcare professional as well as First Aid CPR/ AED training for everyone.
Be Prepared
Backcountry Skiing and Splitboarding

Boating and Rafting
Hiking and Hunting

Camping and Travel
Request A Demo
Set-up an in-person or virtual appointment to discuss your needs or go through the kit with a Dr.
Sales Inquiry
Specific sets, single components or a comprehensive first aid response kit are all available options. Feel free to reach out if you need refills or have questions!
Check the News page for upcoming classes and events. Call or email to discuss your specific needs or to schedule onsite training and certifications for your workplace.